
Download from the Github repository

The project is hosted on Github and the source code is available open source and released under the MIT licence.

View on github


We use github releases to ship the distribution package. Check out the Release page to download the latest release.

Manual Download

jsGraph can be downloaded and installed manually or via the npm package manager. The project is hosted on Github and the distribution files can be found there. jsGraph has zero dependencies and does not rely on any CSS files.

We use Universal Module Definitions to ship jsGraph. That means the library is compatible with AMD definition, CommonJS definition and defaults to Browser global when none exist. Select the version to include as a function of your needs:

Minfied version

The full-featured, compact version of jsGraph, shipped with all plugins, shapes and series available. This version ships with Universal Module Definition (see below).

Download minified

Development code

The compiled but not uglified source code can be used for testing purposes and bug reporting. Similarly to the minified version, this file ships with Universal Module Definition.

Expanded version

ES 6 version

The source code without ES6 transpilation. Does not include any ES6 polyfills and therefore targets ES6-compatible browsers. This version ships with Universal Module Definition

Download ES6 minified

Module bundle

For browser that support ES6 modules (or if you want to use as such with your own packager), you can directly include the module file:


Include jsGraph in your projects

Universal module definitions

Browser global

Here is how to include jsGraph in your browser using the global object create. The following creates the `Graph` object on the `window` level of your browser:

    <script src="path/to/jsgraph/jsgraph.min.js"></script>
    <!-- Creates the public Graph object -->

Which allows you to use it as such:

        const graph = new Graph( /* ..options.. */ );

AMD definition

If you are using an AMD loader such as RequireJS, you can still use jsGraph:

The following versions are browser-ready and creates the `Graph` object on the `window` level of your browser:

    <script src="path/to/require/js"></script>
        require(['path/to/jsgraph.min'], function( Graph ) {
            <!-- Creates the local Graph object -->
            const graph = new Graph( /* ..options.. */ );

Obviously, in a real-life example, you would use `define` in your module and load jsGraph as a dependency.

CommonJS definition

If you create your own bundle using Webpack, Rollup, Gulp or other, then you can simply the CommonJS definition:

const Graph = require('path/to/jsGraph');
// Use Graph
const graph = new Graph( /* ..options.. */ );

ES 6 module definition

If you’re working with ES6 modules you can use the module files as such:

In a browser

<!--Your page-->
<script type="module" src="./path/to/jsGraph/jsgraph-module.min.js"></script>

From another module

In this case, Graph is default export of the module:

import Graph from 'path/to/jsGraph/jsgraph-module.min.js';